NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Invest North – Locate

The Invest North Program is designed to boost economic growth in Northern Ontario by encouraging businesses to invest in transformative, strategic and complementary business development opportunities in Northern Ontario communities. The program will support productivity, innovation, business competitiveness, revenue growth, export capacity development, job creation and retention. The Locate program is designed specifically to assist with the relocation of business operations to Northern Ontario.


Funding is in the form of a conditional contribution or a combination of a conditional contribution and term loan, on a case-by-case basis based on net economic benefit to Northern Ontario, to a maximum of $5 million. Combined Federal and Provincial government funding may not exceed 50% of eligible project costs. Applicants are required to have a pre-application consultation session with NOHFC staff prior to applying. Please contact NOHFC at 1-800-461-8329 to schedule your consultation

Not sure what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our agents for a 1-on-1 conversation about your project.


Businesses locating new business operations to Northern Ontario are eligible to apply to the Invest North – Locate Program.

Before you begin, check if you fall within the eligible region of Northern Ontario.

What is eligible?

Eligible projects, activities and associated costs include, but are not limited to:

  • Building construction
  • Upgrading leased spaces
  • Buying new or used equipment
  • Land development costs
  • Investments in IT and communications
  • Marketing new products or businesses (up to 20% of eligible costs or $75,000)
  • Third-party training costs (up to 20% of project costs)

Funding for each project is determined by the NOHFC Board of Directors, and limited funding is available. Not all projects meeting the criteria will necessarily receive funding.

What is not eligible?

Project costs that are not eligible include, but are not limited to:

  • Retail and consumer service businesses that primarily earn revenue by providing products and services directly to individuals
  • Ongoing operating costs including maintenance
  • In-kind contributions
  • Restructuring or refinancing of existing business operations
  • Accommodation & food service businesses
  • Land purchase/lease
  • Working capital

For a more comprehensive list of ineligible project costs, view our full program guidelines.


Applications to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation take the following path:


Submit your application and we’ll review it and make sure your project meets our program guidelines.


We’ll get some additional information on your project and review it in greater detail.


We’ll share our review with our board of directors, who will make the final decision on your application.

Program Success Story

The Tasty Venture

How Fromagerie Kapuskoise transformed a residential home into a cheese factory.

While visiting China in 2011, Francois Nadeau was surprised to learn that it was hard to find cheese — something he loved to eat — in the country.

Help & FAQ

How will I know how much funding and the type of funding I can apply for?2024-09-10T13:00:26-04:00

Funding options will be discussed during your consultation.

Can I access funding from other federal and provincial sources to finance the remainder of my project?2024-09-10T12:59:59-04:00

Yes. However, the combined federal and provincial government funding may not exceed 50% of eligible project costs.

What is the application process for NOHFC’s Locate program?2024-09-10T12:55:57-04:00

Before applying, you must schedule a pre-application consultation by calling NOHFC at 1-800-461-8329. A member of our team will be assigned to help you with this process. After the consultation, you’ll need to submit an initial application. This will help determine if your project meets the program guidelines. If it does, you’ll be notified and asked to submit a detailed business proposal.

Are projects that develop land for re-sale or lease eligible under the Invest North program?2024-11-23T14:24:44-05:00

No, commercial and industrial land or building development is not eligible under the Invest North program. This includes things like:

  • Building infrastructure to lease or sell
  • Developing commercial or industrial land
  • Projects that only cover site servicing or site development costs
Are tourism businesses potentially eligible given that the Invest North – Launch program guidelines reference accommodation services as ineligible?2024-11-23T14:27:09-05:00

Many tourism businesses that offer accommodation may qualify for the program. This includes businesses that serve as destinations for visitors who stay for longer periods (like remote outfitters or family vacation resorts). However, businesses that mainly provide overnight stays for travelers (such as hotels and motels) do not qualify.

Are beverage alcohol manufacturing companies, including spirit distilleries, breweries, wineries and cideries, eligible for support under NOHFC’s Launch, Grow or Locate programs?2024-09-10T12:12:44-04:00

No, beverage alcohol manufacturing companies are not considered eligible under NOHFC’s INVEST North – LaunchGrow or Locate programs. However, Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has a number of resources available on their website in support of beverage manufacturing in Ontario.

Will I need to hire a lawyer?2024-10-30T14:42:25-04:00

In most cases, the decision to hire a lawyer rests with you. However, where NOHFC funding is provided by way of a secured loan or a secured loan and conditional contribution, you will need to hire a lawyer to represent you on the transaction. Your lawyer will need to provide a legal opinion to NOHFC and conduct certain other legal work required to complete the transaction.

Not sure what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our agents for a 1-on-1 conversation about your project.

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