NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Request For Reconsideration Process

Request For Reconsideration Process2024-04-17T13:16:39-04:00
What happens during the request for reconsideration process?2024-09-09T18:27:09-04:00

When requesting reconsideration, you need to provide more information or documents that address the issues mentioned in your decline letter. You might need to work with the assigned service provider and submit an updated project proposal. The revised proposal will be evaluated by a committee, and you’ll receive a written decision once it’s reviewed by the Board of Directors.

My project was deemed ineligible or was declined. What can I do?2024-09-09T18:25:35-04:00

If your project is declined or deemed ineligible, NOHFC will send you a written explanation. For questions or concerns, contact your local Regional Economic Development Branch (REDB). You can request reconsideration if you provide new, relevant information that addresses the reasons for the decline. To do this, email the contact from your decline letter with your NOHFC file number, a detailed explanation, and any supporting documents.

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