NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario
Locate Program2024-04-17T13:29:35-04:00
How will I know how much funding and the type of funding I can apply for?2024-09-10T13:00:26-04:00

Funding options will be discussed during your consultation.

Can I access funding from other federal and provincial sources to finance the remainder of my project?2024-09-10T12:59:59-04:00

Yes. However, the combined federal and provincial government funding may not exceed 50% of eligible project costs.

What is the application process for NOHFC’s Locate program?2024-09-10T12:55:57-04:00

Before applying, you must schedule a pre-application consultation by calling NOHFC at 1-800-461-8329. A member of our team will be assigned to help you with this process. After the consultation, you’ll need to submit an initial application. This will help determine if your project meets the program guidelines. If it does, you’ll be notified and asked to submit a detailed business proposal.

Are projects that develop land for re-sale or lease eligible under the Invest North program?2024-11-23T14:24:44-05:00

No, commercial and industrial land or building development is not eligible under the Invest North program. This includes things like:

  • Building infrastructure to lease or sell
  • Developing commercial or industrial land
  • Projects that only cover site servicing or site development costs
Are tourism businesses potentially eligible given that the Invest North – Launch program guidelines reference accommodation services as ineligible?2024-11-23T14:27:09-05:00

Many tourism businesses that offer accommodation may qualify for the program. This includes businesses that serve as destinations for visitors who stay for longer periods (like remote outfitters or family vacation resorts). However, businesses that mainly provide overnight stays for travelers (such as hotels and motels) do not qualify.

Are beverage alcohol manufacturing companies, including spirit distilleries, breweries, wineries and cideries, eligible for support under NOHFC’s Launch, Grow or Locate programs?2024-09-10T12:12:44-04:00

No, beverage alcohol manufacturing companies are not considered eligible under NOHFC’s INVEST North – LaunchGrow or Locate programs. However, Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has a number of resources available on their website in support of beverage manufacturing in Ontario.

Will I need to hire a lawyer?2024-10-30T14:42:25-04:00

In most cases, the decision to hire a lawyer rests with you. However, where NOHFC funding is provided by way of a secured loan or a secured loan and conditional contribution, you will need to hire a lawyer to represent you on the transaction. Your lawyer will need to provide a legal opinion to NOHFC and conduct certain other legal work required to complete the transaction.

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