NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Workforce Development Program

The intent of the Workforce Development Program is to strengthen and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce through strategic partnerships by offering internships.


For eligible municipalities, Indigenous communities, and non-profits, funding is in the form of a conditional contribution which covers up to 90% of an intern’s salary, including the employer’s portion of MERCs, up to $35,000 per year.

For businesses, funding is in the form of a conditional contribution which covers up to 50% of the intern’s salary, including the employer’s portion of MERCs, up to $35,000 per year.

Payments are made on a cost-incurred basis and in two installments: after six months and at the internship’s end. NOHFC funding, when combined with other federal or provincial funding, cannot exceed 90% for municipalities, Indigenous communities, and non-profits, and 50% for businesses.

Approval is based on the NOHFC Board’s decision, and not all eligible projects will be funded.

Not sure what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our agents for a 1-on-1 conversation about your project.


Businesses, municipalities, Indigenous communities, and not-for-profit organizations located in Northern Ontario that have been in operation for at least one year and have a minimum of one full-time employee.

Organizations must recruit interns through a fair and transparent process. Immediate family members of owners or directors cannot be hired, except in small Northern communities with limited workers. Interns must have direct onsite supervision.

Before you begin, check if you fall within the eligible region of Northern Ontario.

What is eligible?

Salaries/wages and employer’s portion of Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs) for a limited-term internship position of 52 weeks (with at least 35 hours of work per week) for candidates that:

  • Are new entrants into the work force, are transitioning to a new career, or the unemployed or underemployed who are entering a new field;
  • Have not previously participated in a NOHFC-funded internship;
  • Are at least 18 years of age; and
  • Reside, and be legally entitled to work, in Canada.

An organization is eligible for two internship positions at a given time.

Colleges, universities and research institutions (as defined by NOHFC) may be eligible for up to up to five research positions, in addition to two regular internship positions.

What is not eligible?

  • Discretionary benefits paid by the employer i.e. sick pay, group medical/dental plans
  • Training expenses, computers, equipment, travel and accommodations, etc.
  • Positions that displace existing employees
  • Positions that, in the opinion of the NOHFC, involve general, manual labour or that require minimal training or training for less than six months
  • Positions that are clerical in nature (e.g. duties such as answering phones, filing, general office work, etc.)
  • Positions that primarily involve retail and general sales

Funding for each project is determined by the NOHFC Board of Directors, and limited funding is available. Not all projects meeting the criteria will necessarily be approved.


Applications to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation take the following path:


Submit your application and we’ll review it and make sure your project meets our program guidelines.


We’ll get some additional information on your project and review it in greater detail.


We’ll share our review with our board of directors, who will make the final decision on your application.

Program Success Story

The Tasty Venture

How Fromagerie Kapuskoise transformed a residential home into a cheese factory.

While visiting China in 2011, Francois Nadeau was surprised to learn that it was hard to find cheese — something he loved to eat — in the country.

Help & FAQ

Who is eligible for a second-year internship?2024-09-09T18:39:33-04:00

You may be eligible for a second year when the intern must complete a minimum number of hours of professional experience that is greater than 52 weeks of full-time employment to obtain a certification, designation, or for a registered apprenticeship.

What is a fair and transparent selection/hiring process?2024-09-09T18:38:50-04:00

You are required to post a job advertisement in at least one public forum (e.g. job bank). NOHFC will require proof of the posting, including the opening and closing dates of the posting.

Can I hire an intern before I have submitted my application to NOHFC?2024-11-23T13:48:38-05:00


Can we hire an intern before we receive a decision on our application?2024-09-09T18:35:42-04:00

If you hire an intern before getting funding approval and your application is denied, NOHFC is not responsible for any costs related to the intern. If your application is approved after hiring, NOHFC will only cover the intern if you can prove that the hiring process was fair and transparent, the intern meets the program guidelines, and all other program requirements are met. Exceptions might be made for apprenticeship internships.

What type of insurance is my organization required to maintain?2024-09-09T18:34:37-04:00
If you receive funding, you must show that you have the right insurance to run your business and employ the intern. This includes at least $2 million in commercial general liability insurance. You’ll need to provide an insurance certificate that names the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and its staff as additional insureds. The certificate should also include a cross-liability clause, contractual liability coverage, and a 30-day notice period for cancellations or changes.

Not sure what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our agents for a 1-on-1 conversation about your project.

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