NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Northern Ontario Recovery Program News

Due to the overwhelming success of the Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP), the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) will be pausing the application intake for NORP on Friday, November 20, 2020, at 6 p.m. EST.

The Ontario government was quick to support northern companies impacted by COVID-19. Since launching NORP on October 1, 2020, the NOHFC has already approved and processed hundreds of NORP applications.

However, in order to continue mobilizing financial resources as quickly as possible to support our hardworking northern business owners who have taken the necessary steps to protect their employees, customers and communities from COVID-19, the NOHFC needs to focus its current efforts on processing the remaining NORP applications it has received.

The Ontario government, through the NOHFC, is committed to moving NORP funding along swiftly, so we can all continue to promote economic recovery in every region of the north and get our northern economy back on track.

I’d also like to remind you that new NOHFC programs are coming in January. These programs will make it easier for more people and businesses to apply, support more projects in rural northern communities, target both existing and emerging market opportunities, provide more opportunities for Indigenous people, address the skilled labour shortage in the north, and aid the continued recovery from COVID-19.

For more information on the status of your application, or should you require assistance completing your application, please contact your Regional Economic Development Branch (REDB) Advisor toll-free at 1-866-711-8304.

Best Regards,

John Guerard

Executive Director (Acting)


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