NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Approved Projects

Approved Projects2024-09-09T17:34:59-04:00
How will I be notified if I was approved for NOHFC funding?2024-09-09T17:29:08-04:00

You will receive a letter from the Ministry advising whether or not you have been approved.

Who do I get more information on my application or file?2024-09-09T17:30:36-04:00

If approved for conditional contributions or loans without required security, you’ll receive a letter with your assigned Project Officer. For loans requiring security, you’ll get a letter of offer and term sheet following approval, with contact details for further steps.

What happens after I’m approved?2024-09-09T17:31:33-04:00

For conditional contributions, NOHFC will send a funding contract in about 6-8 weeks after the Minister’s approval. If you request project changes, this timeline may be extended.

For loans requiring security, the loan documents will be sent to your lawyer 6-8 weeks after you sign and return the offer. For loans without required security, NOHFC will confirm if you want a lawyer and send the funding contract in about 6-8 weeks.

How long do I have to sign my legal agreement?2024-09-09T17:32:32-04:00

For conditional contributions, you must sign and return the funding contract to NOHFC within 30 to 60 days, depending on the program. Details about your project will be in the letter with the contract. For loans requiring security, you have 30 days to accept the offer or request an extension. If the funding contract isn’t signed within 180 days of accepting the offer, NOHFC may cancel the financial assistance.

Will I need to hire a lawyer?2024-10-30T14:42:25-04:00

In most cases, the decision to hire a lawyer rests with you. However, where NOHFC funding is provided by way of a secured loan or a secured loan and conditional contribution, you will need to hire a lawyer to represent you on the transaction. Your lawyer will need to provide a legal opinion to NOHFC and conduct certain other legal work required to complete the transaction.

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