Regional Tile Drainage Program

The Regional Tile Drainage Program is designed to support the agriculture sector in installing tile drainage to increase the amount and improve the quality of arable land in Northern Ontario, resulting in more productive growing seasons and increased crop yields for producers.


Funding is in the form of a conditional contribution, and will support the following:

  • 50% of tile drainage contractor costs to a maximum of $500 per acre, and
  • 100% of the project management/administration fees of the service provider which is calculated as 10% of the contractor costs to a maximum of $100 per acre.

The maximum investment from the NOHFC will not exceed the lesser of 50% or $1 million towards eligible project costs.

Not sure what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our agents for a 1-on-1 conversation about your project.


Not-for-profit, agricultural or community organizations that would, on behalf of an identified consortium of producers, develop and administer a project to install tile drainage within a specific region (i.e., a consortium service provider).

What is eligible?

  • Tile drainage contractor costs (materials and labour)
  • Project management/administration fees of the service provider
  • Land to be tiled can be in production or new acreage

Program Requirements

  • The individual producers must make cash contributions of at least 10% of the contractor costs (materials and labour) specific to their individual acreage.
  • The installation of tile drainage must be completed by a contractor licensed for tile drainage installation and the contractor must confirm that their design is in compliance with the Drainage Guide for Ontario.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) staff on viability of proposed projects.


Applications to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation take the following path:


Submit your application and we’ll review it and make sure your project meets our program guidelines.


We’ll get some additional information on your project and review it in greater detail.


We’ll share our review with our board of directors, who will make the final decision on your application.

Program Success Story

The Tasty Venture

How Fromagerie Kapuskoise transformed a residential home into a cheese factory.

While visiting China in 2011, Francois Nadeau was surprised to learn that it was hard to find cheese — something he loved to eat — in the country.

Help & FAQ

Are there any requirements for a farmer to be eligible for and included in a project’s consortium?2024-11-23T13:30:27-05:00

A farmer must meet the following requirements to be included in the consortium:

  • The farmer must be “shovel-ready”.
  • The farmer must have a Farm Business Registration
    • If the farmer is exempted from the Farm Business Registration, please submit written confirmation from Agricorp.
  • While the farmer does not have to own the property to be tiled, they must have at a minimum a five-year written lease agreement for the property which must be provided to the organization administering the project.
  • If a farmer who received funding under the program ceases farming completely or sells the lands tiled within five years of the date the tiling was completed on their property, they may be required to repay the NOHFC conditional contribution. The not-for-profit organization administering the tile drainage project should be notified if this occurs.
  • The farmer’s funding is based on per acre tiled. NOHFC will not fund the tiling of the same acre of land twice.
Do individual farmers have to be identified at the time of making an application?2024-11-20T10:27:59-05:00

Yes. Each farmer within the consortium must be identified.

What happens if a farmer drops out of the consortium?2024-11-20T10:27:32-05:00

Funding is based on the number of farmers and the acres to be tiled. If a farmer decides that they will not be participating after the application has been submitted, the funding will be adjusted.

If my consortium’s project is approved, how long do I have to complete my project?2024-11-20T10:27:08-05:00

NOHFC expects you to be “shovel ready” and to have the project completed within two years.

Not sure what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our agents for a 1-on-1 conversation about your project.

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