NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Ontario Supporting Upgrades to Rainy River’s Hannam Park

RAINY RIVER – The Ontario government is providing $180,000 through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) to the Town of Rainy River to renovate the restrooms in Hannam Park. This investment will strengthen tourism and recreation opportunities in the Northwest.


“The new and improved Northern Ontario Heritage Fund continues to invest in municipal infrastructure projects that enhance quality of life for families in the Northwest,” said Greg Rickford, Minister of Northern Development and MPP for Kenora-Rainy River. “Our targeted investment in the Town of Rainy River means community members and visitors can count on having access to an accessible washroom at Hannam Park all year round, which contributes to enhanced opportunities for economic growth in the region.”


The Town of Rainy River will use NOHFC funding to winterize the public restrooms and make them accessible. The restrooms support other amenities in Hannam Park, including eight campsites, a playground, wading pool, boat launch, outdoor stage and seasonal canteen.


“On behalf of the Town of Rainy River, I would like to express our thanks to the NOHFC and Minister Rickford for the funding awarded to renovate the washrooms at Hannam Park,” said Deborah Ewald, Mayor, Town of Rainy River. “The park, located on the Rainy River, is used extensively year-round for many community events and activities. This funding will make the venue better for all, no matter the season.”


The NOHFC promotes economic prosperity across Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance to projects—big and small, rural and urban—that stimulate growth, job creation and skills development. Since June 2018, the NOHFC has invested more than $762 million in 6,309 projects in Northern Ontario, leveraging more than $2.3 billion in investment and creating or sustaining over 9,750 jobs.


Quick Fact


    • The Ontario government launched new and improved NOHFC programs that support more projects in rural northern communities and make it easier for more people and businesses to apply. The programs target existing and emerging markets, provide more work opportunities for Indigenous people and address the skilled labour shortage in the North.



Additional Resources



    • The NOHFC’s Community Enhancement Program builds strong and resilient northern communities through targeted investments in critical infrastructure.



Media Contacts


Curtis Lindsay, Minister’s Office 437-240-7317


Media Desk, Communications Branch

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