NOHFC will observe the rules traditionally followed during an election period in Ontario // La SGFPNO observera les règles traditionnellement suivies pendant une période électorale en Ontario

Bring your next big vision to the big screen!

The intake round for Film and Television Industry Project applications is open as of Monday February 26th. Apply online now to bring your next big vision to the big screen.

Be advised that, as part of the new NOHFC online application system, an individual file size requirement now exists for each attachment that is uploaded as part of your application. Individual file sizes should not exceed 2MB. If any of your attachments exceed 2MB, we advise you to remove any unnecessary images or media from the document and attempt to re-upload. Please provide only the information asked for specifically by the Film and Television Industry Projects application.

The current Film and Television Industry Projects intake round will close Friday March 9th.

If you are having trouble applying online, please e-mail

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