Agency Accountability

Provincial agencies are accountable to the government through the responsible minister. They must use public resources efficiently and effectively to carry out their mandates, as established by their respective constituting instruments.

Good governance and accountability practices for ministries and provincial agencies are critical. These are complemented by transparency in the form of public posting of governance documents and expenses information.

Business Plans

As an agency of the Ontario government, NOHFC is required to follow the policies and procedures set out in the Agencies and Appointments Directive. One such requirement is to publicly post a Minister-approved three-year period business plan annually. In accordance with the Directive, business plans must be publicly posted within 30 days of Minister approval along with the agency’s mandate letter.

Marketing Annual Report

The NOHFC supports Ontario’s Growth Plan for Northern Ontario by focusing on growing existing and emerging sectors, including minerals and mining supply and services, advanced manufacturing, digital media, arts and culture, health sciences, forestry, renewable energy and services, and tourism. 2016 saw notable successes in all of those sectors. The NOHFC Marketing Annual Report highlights these successes.

Memorandum of Understanding

The NOHFC memorandum of understanding is the formal agreement between the agency Chair and the responsible Minister that sets out roles and responsibilities for the agency and ministry.

Expense Information

Under the Agencies and Appointments Directive and the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive, provincial agencies are required to post their governance documents. These include business plans, annual reports and expense information for designated individuals.

Individuals at provincial agencies can claim and be reimbursed for necessary travel, meal and hospitality expenses they pay for during the course of ordinary work. They need to follow strict rules, outlining what can be repaid with public funds and what maximum amounts can be claimed.

All claims must include original receipts.

For more information on rules, laws and directives for provincial agencies, please see the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive.

The NOHFC expense information details approved travel, meal and hospitality expenses for designated individuals at the agency.

Social Media Disclaimer and Important Information

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation’s (NOHFC) Twitter account and other social media accounts are managed by the Ministry Northern Development (ND) Communications Service Branch (CSB).

If you follow this account, you can expect an average of 1-4 tweets a day, including:

  • Alerts about new content on our Website
  • Links to news releases and statements
  • Stats and fun facts about Northern Ontario and the NOHFC
  • Other news related to northern development and entrepreneurship

If you follow @NOHFC, we will NOT automatically follow you back. This is to discourage the use of direct messaging, avoid spam and so that you can easily identify other key Twitter users that are relevant to the ministry. Being followed by @NOHFC does not imply endorsement of any kind.

We will update and monitor our Twitter account during regular office hours, Monday to Friday.

Twitter may occasionally be unavailable and the NOHFC accepts no responsibility for lack of service due to interruptions.

The NOHFC welcomes feedback and ideas from all its followers, and endeavours to participate in the conversation where possible. However, the NOHFC is NOT able to reply individually to all the messages received via Twitter. We will read all @replies and direct messages and ensure relevant communications are forwarded appropriately.

It is the responsibility of every individual following this Twitter account to protect their own personal information and privacy. Please do not send us personal information through Twitter. Any personal information received through the @NOHFC Twitter account will be treated as a communication by you through the Government of Ontario’s website and will be handled by us in accordance with the Government of Ontario’s website Privacy Statement External Link.

The views expressed in retweets do not necessarily represent the views of the Government of Ontario or the MND or the NOHFC, and we don’t accept any liability in relation to such views. However, by providing feedback and ideas to us, you are granting Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario (“Ontario”) your permission to use, copy, modify, publish and transmit your feedback and permit others (whether within or outside the Government of Ontario) to do so, without the need to seek further permission from you and without any compensation to you. You also agree to waive any moral rights for the benefit of Ontario in any copyright you hold in and to the feedback or ideas.

This account contains links to other websites and Twitter accounts. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy policies of sites other than our own. We encourage you to examine each site’s privacy policy and disclaimers and to make your own decisions regarding the accuracy, reliability and correctness of material and information found there.

The linking to any website and/or Twitter account or the mention of any product, company or individual is not an endorsement by the Government of Ontario or MND or NOHFC of the referenced product(s), view(s) expressed, company, individual, or any service advertised in such referenced material.

Although we attempt to ensure that all information we post on our Twitter account is accurate and complete, we do not represent that it is so, or guarantee it, and accept no liability or obligation for accuracy or completeness.

Open Data

The Government of Ontario promotes an Open by Default approach to the proactive release of Data.

Ontario’s Open Data Directive maximizes access to government data by requiring all data to be made public, unless it is exempt for legal, privacy, security, confidentiality or commercially-sensitive reasons. It sets out key principles and requirements for publishing open data, and applies to data created and managed by Ontario ministries and provincial agencies.